Mountolives Hospital has a modern Mortuary that can accomodates over 800 dead.
We have the care and dignity of your loved one at the very heart of our practice. We work closely with the bereavement teams to support you and your family during what can be a very difficult time.
The Mortuarys offer a secure and dignified environment for those who pass away. We provide body storage facilities for patients who have died.
Visiting & Contact.
Reach us on +233557929553 / +233207052188 /+233578099819 . We are Located at Tanoso, Techiman on the Techiman-Kumasi Road.
Our facilities at both our hospitals include private, comfortable family rooms. If you’d like to visit your loved one, please make an appointment with us.
The team pride themselves on their focus towards improving patient care and working towards developing the facilities provided within the Mortuary for patients and their relatives.